I really can't believe that my baby is 2 years old today. I mean, when did that happen? Time really does fly by!!
Wow, what to say. Sully, you are incredible. You really are. You have such an amazing curiousity about everything. You are always watching and learning. And you absolutely idolize your big brother. If he can do it, you want to do it too. You started the year crawling and very
Wow, what to say. Sully, you are incredible. You really are. You have such an amazing curiousity about everything. You are always watching and learning. And you absolutely idolize your big brother. If he can do it, you want to do it too. You started the year crawling and very

quickly moved onto walking. You still don't say much, but you are always making noises and babbling in your own special way. You have an incredible smile. You are very determined and if things are not going your way, you are very quick to vocalize your displeasure. And your eating is incredible. You are excellent with a fork or spoon and seldom will let us help you eat... even if you make the hugest of messes!!
And sometimes you can be such a little mama's boy. I have to say, I don't really mind this one bit. Since I am working fulltime, I don't get a lot of time with you, so it's nice when you want to cuddle. One night in particular I recall, when you were upset and overtired, you just snuggled right in and fell asleep on my chest while we were rocking on a chair. It was so sweet.
You love water, in any form, and had a lot of fun in the summer playing outside with the water table, running in the sprinkler and going in the pool, shoes and all.

You also love colouring. It's incredible to see how interested you are in crayons and markers. When your aunt Kim came over in December, we decorated sugar cookies and you were totally into it!! A week later, you were decorating Christmas ornaments, again totally loving it. This time, when it was time to stop, you were so upset.
And trains. My goodness you love Thomas and the trains. You can point out any train we ask you too, you love the show, you love your Thomas and Percy shirts, and you love building trains and tracks and are very good at it. Sometimes, you'll make your train so long it falls off the track and you get all frustrated. Funny, your brother used to do the same thing!!
You also started in gymnastics in the fall, and have done quite well with it. Sometimes you are so desperate to be in the big class with your brother that you forget to enjoy your own class. You do an excellent log roll, and climb ladders with no problem to get a toy (but then grab the toy and forget to hold on to the ladder, oops!!). And you love searching for fishes in the big foam pit.
Sullivan, you truly are a gem. I am so lucky to be your mom!! You are in such a special place right now because your dad has been home with you for the last year. You have no idea what a special gift it is to be home with a parent!!
And trains. My goodness you love Thomas and the trains. You can point out any train we ask you too, you love the show, you love your Thomas and Percy shirts, and you love building trains and tracks and are very good at it. Sometimes, you'll make your train so long it falls off the track and you get all frustrated. Funny, your brother used to do the same thing!!
You also started in gymnastics in the fall, and have done quite well with it. Sometimes you are so desperate to be in the big class with your brother that you forget to enjoy your own class. You do an excellent log roll, and climb ladders with no problem to get a toy (but then grab the toy and forget to hold on to the ladder, oops!!). And you love searching for fishes in the big foam pit.

We've spent the last year watching you grow and change from a baby just learning to walk, into a full on toddler. It's been such a treat. Keep on being curious and being the amazing little boy you are. We love you so much and look forward to the next year and what it has to offer.
Love, Mom (and dad too!!)