Sullivan is busy these days trying to stand up on anything that he can grab. He likes this being vertical stuff and it is so much fun to watch although not so much when he tumbles. And, that brings me to the stairs. He thinks he's fine to climb the stairs, but not so much. He can climb up a stair or two, but then in typical baby fashion, has his mind on something else and forgets that he's only half way up the stairs and will fall without someone there. So, the baby gate is up a lot more these days. Maybe a helmet would help keep him safe...

We spent our Thanksgiving weekend in Kelowna. It was fantastic!! We went there with two other families and the moms all ran the Okanagan Half Marathon while the kids ran the kids race. Everyone finished their races and did great.

Sebastian had been running all summer to finish 41km ahead of race day, so that when he ran the kids race, he would have completed a full 42km. We had a lot of fun with his runs during the summer. He usually wore the Garmin and loved that!! So, it was especially fun to see him finish the kids race, at three years old. He wasn't the fastest (actually I think only two kids were behind him), but we did stop halfway through for a potty break. And, he did run most of his race. I was so proud of him!!

On a personal note, this was my first big race since having Sullivan. I started training in March and have been working hard on the running ever since. I completed several races this year, and for the first time ever finished a 10km race in under an hour. And, just in case that was a fluke (at 59:53 at Melissa's Road Race in Banff), I also did it again the next week at the Ambulance Chasers 10km with a time of 57:29. It was fantastic to finally reach this milestone. And it really made me excited for the half marathon. I had no idea what my pace or time might be and was hoping to finish around 2:15. However, shock of the century, I actually finished in 2:04:44. That meant that my pace was 10km/hr. I was shocked. The downside however, is that since completing the half marathon, my heel has been hurting to the point that I actually went to the doctor, and am now not running for the next month. It is not fun going from my best ever running to not allowed to run at all. Oh well, I will get better and get past this and move onto the next race...
But I'm ignoring the kids and it's almost lunchtime, so really, I must attend to that!!
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