So, yesterday we had a birthday party for Sullivan since he turns one next week, and since I unfortunately, have to work nights on his actual birthday. It was fun. I knew I wanted to make him a cookie monster cake after I had watched Cindy make grass on a race track cake for Elias. I loved how it looked and thought it was perfect for monster fur. So, I figured either cookie monster or Elmo.

So, yesterday was the day of the party. I meant to make the cake the day before, but we were lacking a couple ingredients. I had chosen to make the Boston Creme Downfall from the cakelove book. It was a yellow butter cake, with vanilla pastry cream between the layers, then covered in chocolate ganache. I got the cakes baked and pastry cream chilling, but then had some time to figure out how to turn this primarily adult cake into something for a one year old.
I decided to make a cookie monster out of rice krispie squares and then I could ice it with the fabulous looking fur icing. I set out to work and it went pretty nicely. Then I made buttercream icing, dyed it blue, and went to work. I used Scotch mints as the eyes with a bit of black gel icing for the eyeballs. I used the same black gel for the mouth. Then I loaded up the pastry bag with the 233 tip and had fun building cookie monster, complete with cookie in his mouth...

Then, when we placed cookie monster on top of the cake, we added some crumbled Chips Ahoy cookies to complete the vision. I was completely happy with the results, but would my baby like it...

Sullivan was fascinated with the whole thing.

It started out innocent enough

He loved it.

And, he had the best time ever devouring it.

He got a bit messy in the process, but hey, it's his party and the first time he ever got to eat cake on his own accord!!
Everything was blue, including the bath water in the bath he had immediately following the cake eating (had to try and get some of the icing out of his ears and all!!).

The party was small (people kept cancelling on us!!), but super fun. We had a baked potato bar for dinner followed by the Boston Cream Downfall for dessert. Sullivan got some neat gifts and both boys have been playing with them all morning. I still can't believe he's almost one though... where has the year gone!!
Your cake is amazing!! I love cookie monster!
Wow it turned out great!
wow~! it looks great!! Now I want to make it for my son too.. :)
wow! that cake is so much fun! you did an awesome job!! i love cookie monster!
Everything is so CUTE! Cookie Monster and the little one. It looked awesome.
I was just Googling Cooking Monster cakes and came across yours. I love the rice krispy idea! I'm totally stealing it for my son's 2nd birthday this weekend. Thanks for the awesome post!
Any suggestions on the "recipe" to use for the rice krispie treats? How do you make them smooth enough and lack the stickiness so that you can easily mold it?
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