I am so grateful for so many things in my life, that I just felt compelled to share some of them.
I am so grateful for my husband. He is fantastic. He is the best dad to our little boys, who are so lucky to have him around most days for rides to school and swimming lessons. He works only part-time so that he can be there for all those important things going on with them!!
I am grateful to Sebastian. He came into this world, barely clinging to life, and fought very hard to stay here. Today he is in kindergarten and just amazes me every day with his witty comments, his zest for life and his amazing abilities at climbing and gymnastics. He's curious about everything and soaking up french like a sponge!!
I am grateful to Sullivan. He's such a little cutie. He has such an incredible passion for cooking. We just finished making pumpkin breads actually. He will bring out all the ingredients, and just loves pouring and mixing and all things baking. He is lots of fun, and he's words are now exploding, so he gets to be more fun every day!!
I am grateful to my dog. Cronos. He makes me feel loved every night when I get home from my shifts. I just wish his silly tail would heal itself. He somehow injured it, and it's been bleeding and as I'm sure you can imagine, it's not the easiest thing to clean up... but he is on the mend... I hope...
I am grateful for my extended family. I am so lucky to have the family I do. Most especially parents and siblings, but more than that, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins. Yeah, I'm lucky!! I wouldn't trade them for anything. So many great memories, and many more to come!!
I am grateful for the friends and coworkers I have. There are so many people in my life that I feel honoured just to have their conversation and company. People who make me laugh, and offer philosophical discussion. Friends who help me out when I'm stuck (especially when it comes to a work shift I couldn't get off!!). Friends who run with me. Friends who walk for coffees. Friends who climb, and do triathlons. Friends who simply are there with a phone call or a funny status or tweet.
I am grateful to live where I do. I am lucky to be Canadian. I don't take that for granted. I know there are countries out there, where you can't speak your mind. I know there are places where people struggle for basic necessities and basic rights, and I am lucky I am, where I am. There are plenty of military out there that leave their families to go off and help other countries to get the same freedoms I have, and some of them are lost in the conflict. My heart goes out to them and their families!! Especially at this time of year, when families are missing those loved ones!!
I am grateful for my health. There are so many people suffering from all sorts of illness and disease. I am so lucky that to this point, I have been relatively healthy. I will try and use my health to benefit those around me (can you say, Ride to Conquer Cancer?? Please, sponsor me!! I have a long way to go yet!! You know you want to... tax receipt... quick before the year ends!!)
I am grateful for so much more, but those are the big ones, and the ones I will focus on today. Because really, family and friends are where it's at!!
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