Monday, December 21, 2009

Life jacket anyone?

On December 3rd, we boarded the Disney Wonder for a three night cruise to the Bahamas. It was so incredible. I loved it. This was our fourth Disney cruise, Sebastian's 2nd and Sullivan's 1st. We had a blast. What's not to love really, even the rough seas made for a good night's sleep! On the first day there is a mandatory drill where everyone has to wear their life jacket and go to their muster stations. Sebastian thought this was the coolest thing ever. After all, there was a whistle on his life jacket and a light. When you are three, that's about as cool as it gets. Even Sullivan had fun in his little life jacket!!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Very cool! I will do one of these cruises someday... Samuel will definitely love the life jackets LOL!