Sunday, July 20, 2008

Running and music...

So, yesterday I went running again. I haven't been in about 11 days, so this was important, especially since I'm running a half marathon at the end of August. I procrastinated quite a bit, had to find my ipod, then my headphones, etc. I love listening to music while I run. So, once I got all that together, Cronos and I headed out the door. It was tough at first. It took about 10 or 15 minutes before I didn't feel short of breath. It was pathetic really, but hey. Once that time passed, it was much easier. I only went 5km, but at least it's a start. I need to run about 4 days a week every week now until the race is over.

But music, that's what I really wanted to mention. I find music almost like therapy. I can listen to a really good song and feel so much better. I am so attached to music. I use my ipod in the car most of the time, and always when I'm running. I have all sorts of playlists that I have composed depending on what I'm doing or the mood I am in. I love songs that have nice words and a strong message.

When Sebastian was first born, music was one of the ways I coped with what was happening to him. To and from the hospital every day I would listen to all sorts of songs. I have a list on my ipod called Sebastian's True List. These were songs that helped me get through those early days of his life, and songs with strong messages for him. Some are just products of the time, but most have more significance. I will put these songs on a cd for him, for his time capsule. Then, when he opens that up later, there will be a whole cd of songs meant just for him. I don't know that they'll have the same meaning to him, but hopefully he'll like it.

What's on the list? you might be wondering, so here goes:

-Good Riddance (Time of your life) by Green Day
-Photograph by Nickelback
-Let Them Be Little (not sure who it's by on my ipod)
-Forever Young by Youth Group
-Always On Your Side by Sting and Sheryl Crow
-Collide by Howie Day (even the best fall down some times)
-Home by Daughtry (I'm going home, to the place where I belong...every preemies theme)
-Slow Motion by David Gray (life in slow motion, sometimes it don't feel real)
-I Can Only Imagine by Mercyme
-Far Away by Nickelback
-Ordinary Miracle by Sarah MacLaughlin (isn't it remarkable, how things just work out afterall)
-Lean On Me by Bill Withers (Lean on me, when you're not strong)
-He's My Son by Mark Schultz (makes me cry when I hear it)
-Wires by Athlete (written about someone's NICU baby)
-You're Beautiful by James Blunt
-Kiss The Girl by Little Texas (yeah yeah, from the Little Mermaid, sung by Sebastian)

Well, those are the main ones on the list. I used to like listening to Bad Day by Daniel Powter, but then of course, heard that song on the way to the hospital on his code blue day, and after that, always skipped over it.

I love finding new songs that have nice words, so feel free to share your faves.

And if anyone wants to read our family blog, it's at this website, and much more about what's been happening with us as a family:

This blog is more for me and about stuff that isn't quite related to the family all the time. Does that make sense? Oh well, enough for today!!

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