It is so easy to have a lot on your plate. Life is busy. Sometimes, fitting everything in seems nearly impossible. So, what should the priorities be. Well, that depends on what you want out of life and on what really matters to you. Obviously kids rank up there pretty high. That is a given, yet in order to be the best parent, you have to take care of yourself, and it's choosing what you want to do to take care of yourself that should become your first priority. For the most part, this is going to be time for yourself. It could be time spent on a favourite hobby. It could be time spent reading. It could be time spent exercising. It could be time spent watching tv. Everyone has things that they want to do to help better themselves. So, it's important to pick something that matters to you and makes you a better person.
For me, that is running. When I run, I clear my mind. Life's problems don't seem nearly so grand as they did before the run. Running helps sift through all the thoughts in my brain and figure out what I really want or need to do. I love running, yet I don't always make it a priority for me. I know that sometimes, I will come up with any excuse not to run, yet I don't know why, because when I do run, I feel so much better for it. I'm happier, and healthier and my kids end up with a better mother because of it. So, I need to make this my number one priority. If I have time for me, I need to use it for fitness. Maybe it won't always be a run, but since I have a race or two coming up, I sure hope it is for fitness. I am doing a 10km race in September, and I would really like to finish it under an hour. At the rate I have been training lately, that won't happen, so I need to make training my priority. Because if I do, then I really could reach my goal!!
So, I am stating it here and now, that I want to finish a 10km under an hour. I need to put the time in to accomplish that. When I do put the time in, I'm happier and a better person for it. So, I need to put fitness first. I can't use excuses anymore to prevent myself from being the better person I know I can be. So I will try to document my efforts and see if I can make them pay off. Because when I do this for me, then everyone around me benefits. So, it's time to put my best foot forward and make running a true priority...
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