So, my friend Cindy and I were inspired by the Bakerella who made these really neat Father's Day Baskets, so we decided to give it a try and do the same. And, they turned out amazing. Cindy was in charge of all the packaging, and she completely rocked it. We used the template from Bakerella's site. I think everything turned out great, wouldn't you agree? And, I was in charge of the baking. Then, we got together to do the assembly on Saturday afternoon. It was tons of fun and it was so neat watching everything come together into these beautiful little burger baskets. Of course, it's all actually baking, but I think we managed to pull off some pretty convincing little baskets of food for dessert. And, we know they were effective when Jeremy's grandma refused to even try the burger because she couldn't quite believe it was only baking.

What exactly did we make? Well, the "buns" were vanilla cupcakes. I used a recipe from George Geary's Complete Baking Cookbook for those. I added the Sesame seeds too lake though, and if I did it again, I'd add them when I put them in the oven, because they mostly just fell off. The "burgers" were brownies from the same book, however I had to modify the recipe a little since I didn't have enough butter (did half butter, half maragarine), and I wanted to use up my Lemon Blueberry Blackberry Jam (instead of the raspberry jam it calls for). We coloured coconut green to make the "lettuce". We coloured fondant orange and rolled it out to make the "cheese slices". The "ketchup" was your basic buttercream icing with colour added (a combo of red food colouring and then some of the Wilton's colours copper, yellow and burgandy... since I was out of red). The "fries" were sugar cookies, and the recipe I used was a Williams Sonoma one. A note about the fries, the first batch, I made and cut and left together, we thought they would break apart to be french fries, but this didn't work out very good. The second batch, I made and cut, and then put about 5 individual cut outs together, and they baked into a cookie that looked like it was a group of fries, and that worked out much better, so in the future, if I wanted to make fake fries again, this is definitely the way to go.

We had fun and I think the project turned out pretty good. We got some pretty funny reactions to them, and lots of "oh are those ever cute" type comments. All in all, it was fantastic.
And then, Cindy went made some cupcake cake pops and shared a few with me. They are basically little cake balls with icing mixed in, which she subsequently dunked in chocolate and made them to look like cupcakes. Didn't she do just a fantastic job? We loved them!!

It was Awesome and looked from a far it looked so much like a real burger. It also tasted great.
Wow those are so cool! I want to make those! :)
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