I am so excited. My parents bought us a new tripp trapp chair. Sebastian got one for his second birthday so we could skip the whole booster seat stage and all that, and it's worked out great for him. It matches our table almost perfectly and as Sullivan is just getting to the point where he will start eating, it was something we really hoped we'd have for him too, since Sebastian obviously still uses his. And, I was out with my mom this week who was visiting and she got it for us, complete with the baby seat insert so he can use it now. It's fantastic, and now Sullivan sits with us at the table while we're eating. And you can tell from the smile on his face that he is just loving it!!
My parents also bought the boys a tractor to ride on. It's super cute and Sebastian absolutely loves it. He has been putting things in the loader and the carrier on the back of it as well. He pushes it all over the yard (he's not quite strong enough yet to pedal it everywhere). it's so fun to watch him. Thanks mom and dad!!

Life has been busy lately. Last weekend I had hoped to go hiking but my husband said "honey, I think for Father's Day, rather than hiking, I'd rather clean out the garage". Well, how can I argue with that?? I was so thrilled that he was wanting to clean something, and I had been grumbling a lot lately about how the garage should look nice and neat and that stuff should be easy to find. He assured me that this was an impossible dream of mine. However, we did it!! The garage looks great. Everything is organized and easy to find, and we even locked up things that we don't really want Sebastian getting into or hurting himself with (can you say tools). We hung the bikes up on the wall, so that the strollers park nicely below them (and since we can't go biking with Sullivan until next year, blah). Now, I just have to make sure it stays relatively neat!!
And, my quest at exercise has been pretty good lately. I have been running fairly consistently. I am hoping to get a personal best in my next ten kilometre race, so I need to keep at it!! Plus, it's less than 16 weeks until the half marathon now!! But you can read more about my exercise efforts on my fitnessvsfood blog.
Next week, we are going on a road trip. My mom and I are driving out to the coast with the boys. It should be lots of fun. We'll take them down to Seattle even. I get to see a friend that I haven't seen in many many years, and our kids can play together, so that should be a lot of fun!! I just have to make sure I make time for running while on the road!!
And finally, here's a comparison of the brothers. Sebastian is in the top photo and he would have been about 8 months old, but based on his due date, closer to five months. Sullivan is below and he is 5 and a half months old, so there you have it, both of them at what should be five months old!!

The kids are so so cute! Thanks for sharing their pics :-)
Oh my goodness, Sebastian's face in that tractor is priceless! :)
Can't wait to meet up next week! :)
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