Friday, March 7, 2008

Accomplishments for today...

So, how did I fair? Not too bad actually!! Here is what I did...

  • emptied, then refilled the dishwasher
  • put on two loads of laundry
  • played outside with Sebastian and Cronos
  • sorted through the wire shelves
  • cleared off most of the island (it's a big job, okay?)
  • looked in the office closet, got scared and closed it again
  • I cleared off the desk (and dusted it)
  • I cleared off the top of the tv (and dusted it)
  • cleaned the barbeque
  • put away the unmatched socks
  • went and got Edo for dinner since I never came up with anything
  • cleaned up dog poop
  • cleaned Sebastian's room
  • started on the bathrooms
  • and Jeremy cut down the plants in the flowerbed
So, all in all, it was a fairly accomplishing day. Sebastian even helped out by putting all the loose change into the piggy bank. I still have a ton of other things I could do, but only so much needs to be done in a day. Now, I will relax and have a nice evening with my husband, maybe even play some cards!! But, I finish the day knowing that I actually did get around to working on some of the pesky projects that never seem to get done, and getting some of the usual chores done. Of course, I still have to move over the laundry, and I really should get the bathrooms cleaned, and the vacuuming isn't going away much for the cards!!

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