We had a pretty nice weekend. Of course it snowed again. This is becoming the norm for these parts. I am so tired of it. I really want to move to the Caribbean. Anyone know how I can go about that? I'm serious. I just need to figure it out and then we're outta here!!
So, anyhow, with all the snow, because it's relatively nice otherwise, we built a snowman. Not once, but twice. It was fun. Sebastian was fascinated with the part where the snowman got a carrot for a nose.
We also experimented with slime. Basically it's a mixture of cornstarch and water. The recipe I found involved boiling it. This was slightly different than the slime I remember as a child. I think the slime I played with was just cold water and cornstarch. I will maybe try that another day. But, the slime we made was fun. We coloured it blue. Sebastian and I both played with it. He was not entirely sure what to make of it at first but we had fun with it. Then, he was done, and rubbed his face, and he got it all over. Oh well, it was an adventure to say the least.
Sebastian also got to hang out with his uncles on Saturday who took him to a play place.
I also went through two boxes of baby clothes to sort out the sizes and then reorganized the kids clothing in the dresser to make room for more things for Sullivan. I also took a few pictures of items that I just might try and sell. Like cloth diapers. We love them, and I'm so glad we decided to give it a try. Totally worthwhile. However, Sullivan is such a big baby, that he has outgrown the small size. Who knew we'd have a preemie the first time, and then a chubby baby the second time. They couldn't be more opposite on sizes. But anyhow, haven't tried this online selling stuff, so we'll see how it goes!!
Yeah I want to move to the Caribbean too! Or even just Florida, can't you do that? I thought Canadians were more welcome than us Mexicans over in the US...
Nope, not so welcome either. Free trade is some big giant myth I think. Unless I was a nurse maybe, then I might be welcome? I'd go back again in a heartbeat and work at Disney. Still my favourite place of employment!!
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