It is hard to believe that it has already been two months since Sullivan was born. We have had a second child for two months now. Granted, it's been a whole bunch of no sleep on some nights, but slowly we've developed somewhat of a routine. He is smiling now, lots and lots and has been starting to try the beginnings of rolling over. He enjoys kicking his musical mobile and makes the cutest little sounds. He is gaining weight well. I would say he's pretty huge actually, and this is just something we're so not used to. Sebastian took forever to put on any weight, and to this day is still pretty slight. He's currently hovering around 27 pounds. Sullivan, on the other hand, has already outgrown his small fuzzi bunz diapers, and his newborn clothes. Even some of the 3-6 month clothes he is actually filling in pretty nicely. It amazes me really to see a baby with little rolls on him, since Sebastian has never had any kind of rolls to speak of. And, it's so nice that he is home with us. No daily visits to the hospital, he's been home since he was two days old. That, truly is something to be thankful for!!
Life is still busy. It takes effort to fit in time for exercise but so far it's happening. Today I got my exercises done, and once again, was totally exhausted by the end of it. It amazes me how such a simple program can be so tiring. And, how such a simple program can have me sweating buckets, and it's not even the cardio. Truly, it's almost like running is a break from the real work; how scary is that?? I know it will take time to truly see results, but it feels great already. And, gearing up for the Mother's Day Run (in support of Neonatal Intensive Care of course), I hope that I will see results on the running front!! I know that is a bit soon, but hey, I can always hope!!
So, Sullivan, happy two months. Thanks for keeping us on our toes!! And thanks for all the smiles!! We love you!!
It's crazy how fast 2 months goes by. And it's so funny that your second child is such a chub, considering you
Wow, two months already! Your kids look ever so cute and glad to hear everything is going so well (and I hear ya on the no-sleep thing..)
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